Survival Psychology Self-Talk: Be Your Own Action Star

In a world gone to hell, the psychology of survival takes center stage. It's not your run-of-the-mill survival skills show; it's more like a mental gymnastics competition where the ability to keep your cool is the grand prize. Failure means death, disability and/or Post Traumatic Stress Disease as a minimum.

Regardless of how prepared you think are now, absolutely no-one will be fully prepared for the mental and emotional stress that will be inflicted on them in the first day, week, month or year of TEOTWAWKI. Accept this and realise it is only the most flexible and adaptable minds that will be able to deal during the critical first few days. Here's my take:

The Mental Gymnastics of Survival: Forget about building whicker baskets or dabbling in the art of mindfulness post SHTF; survival will now require an Olympic-level mental game. Your mental attitude isn't just a sidekick; it's the star of the show. It's what separates the survivors from the survival-wannabe blooper reel.

Training for the Unthinkable: The Survival Boot Camp: To prep for this mind-bending adventure, get to know yourself like you're preparing for an epic action movie role, complete with all the plot twists and turns. As the old saying goes, "Train Hard, Fight Easy". Anticipate your fears, be realistic without losing your sense of humor, and adopt an attitude that says, "This will be my moment to shine." Incorporate survival training into every aspect of your life. When the real deal hits, your well-practised skills will feel like second nature.

Unmasking the Survival Stressors: Imagine being stuck in a never-ending episode of a reality TV show called "Murphy's Survival Law" where everything that can go wrong does. Accidental and deliberate deaths of family members, friends and pets. Injuries, illnesses and uncertainties that resemble life-threatening riddles, bad weather that's as predictable as a game of roulette, and pervasive hunger that turns your stomach and those of your group members into rumbling protestors at a never-ending buffet—these are the antagonists of your survival story.

Your Mind's Roller Coaster: Amidst the chaos and craziness, your psyche becomes a roller coaster. Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, depression, and loneliness are like the roller coaster's twists and turns—both thrilling and terrifying.

Fear: The MindKiller: Fear is your natural emotional response to life's curveballs, and boy, does it pack a punch and gnaw away at you from inside. It can either make you take action or curl up in a fetal position, wishing for a fast-forward button. Freeze, Flight or Fight? The trick is to acknowledge it, embrace it, give it a high-five, and then channel its energy into making calculated survival moves.

Anxiety: The Nudging Sidekick: Anxiety is like that annoying but well-meaning friend who's always pushing you out of your comfort zone. It's your survival cheerleader, urging you to tackle those challenges head-on. Learn to make it your BFF in this adventure.

Anger and Frustration: The Whacky Duo: Anger and frustration are like the comedy duo that's always up to mischief. They'll pop up when you least expect it, but they're also your secret weapons. Let them fuel your problem-solving prowess, give you physical strength when you need it the most, but don't let them take the steering wheel; they tend to go off-road.

Depression: The Unwanted Guest: Depression sneaks in like an uninvited party crasher. The "black dog" can be as fatal as a rabid wolfhound when SHTF. It can be tempting to let it turn your survival journey into a pity party, but don't. Use it as a reminder to find your inner resilience, your hidden survival superpowers.

Loneliness and Boredom: The Odd Couple: Loneliness and boredom are like that odd couple trying to make the best of a bad situation. If you are a natural born extrovert, they can quickly lead to depression (see above). However, this can also be both your greatest challenge and your secret weapon. Embrace the quiet, tap into your creativity, and discover your inner companionship.

Guilt: The Persistent Echo: Guilt is a nagging echo from the past, reminding you of your failures. Yes, you might have saved that loved one, but you would now be dead as well. Guilt can also be your motivation, your commitment to honor those who couldn't stick around for the sequel. Search for redemption. Let it push you forward, not hold you back.

Mastering Stress Management: The Cool, Calm, and Collected: Stress isn't the villain; it's more like your quirky sidekick. Learn the art of keeping your cool, staying focused, and making calculated decisions that would leave even James Bond in awe. Stress is your trusty sidekick, not your arch-nemesis.

So, when SHTF, remember that you're not just surviving; you're starring in your own blockbuster movie. Your mental attitude is the director, and your emotions are the supporting cast. Keep your sense of humor intact, and remember that surviving isn't just about making it through physically; it's about embracing Man's most ancient imperative - the Will to Survive against all odds.